Monday, August 20, 2007

Mt. Rainier and our favorite campsite!

Our campsite just off Forest Dr 1270 near Mt. Rainier, along a river with our own little private beach, nestled among beautiful old-growth pines:
A rope swing next to what looked like an *awesome* swimming hole... I just wish the water wasn't freezing cold glacial meltwater!Cooking pancakes for breakfast on the bridge:The view of the trees and the river from our tent:
Majestic Mt. Rainier, Jeremy's new favorite mountain:
A fox in the parking lot!
Two deer butting heads along the Skyline Trail:
Going up the Skyline Trail, just starting to get above the clouds:
Watermelon snow!
Marmots in the meadows:
Mount Adams, one of only 3 mountains tall enough to pierce the clouds covering our view from Mount Rainier; we were also able to see Mount St. Helens and even Mount Hood in the distance!
Our buddy the mountain goat, munching on alpine vegetation:
He isn't very shy... he was crossing the trail right next to us, ignoring us completely!A beautiful day!

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