Monday, August 20, 2007

Last stop: Seattle!

Goodbye Thrifty rental car... we had some good times together!Our first glimpse of Puget Sound from the waterfront, at sunset:
The obligatory Space Needle picture:
A HUGE Chinese dragon at the annual Seafair Parade:
The view of Pike Place Market from our hostel window:
The "original" Starbucks near Pike Place Market, complete with street performers outside:
The famous Pike Place Fish Co., aka. "the place where they throw the fish."
Amazing (and cheap!) local growers' flowers at the market... gorgeous!
Jimi Hendrix... born and raised in Seattle, buried in Seattle.
We made it... Daft Punk!A YouTube video of one of the best parts of the Daft Punk show:

Packing up in the hostel after our last night. So sad! Farewell West Coast!

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