Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This is it...!

Thank you everyone for the kind words and well-wishes! I wish I could take you all with us...

I can't believe that in less than 12 hours, Jeremy and I will be on a plane to New York City, which will connect to a flight to San Francisco, CA. We are finally all packed, and our bags are STUFFED to the gills. I think I might try to pare down a few more articles of clothing in the morning, if we have time. We are waking up at 2am to shower quickly and get on the road. Jeremy is insisting that we order takeout omelets from a nearby diner ("The Spot") and pick them up on our way to Syracuse in the morning... if Jeremy doesn't get his breakfast, look out!! :) I think it is probably a wise idea though. It will save us from having to starve, or subsist on crappy airport junk food.

We talked to our friend Sean this afternoon, who will be putting us up for a few days in San Fran. He kindly offered to pick up our week-long public transportation passes for us, so that we could use them right away, on the way to his place. So helpful! I am really glad that he will be meeting us at the airport. It will make our arrival a little easier and certainly a lot of fun. We haven't seen Sean much since he moved out west. But apparently he's got lots of plans for us... neighborhoods, restaurants, parks, and all sorts of stuff that he really enjoys about the city. It will be awesome to see San Francisco with a resident for a guide, rather than just blindly hitting all of the expensive tourist traps.

After we finish in San Francisco, we will probably be picking up our Thrifty rental car on Tuesday the 3rd (that's what the current reservation is for, anyway... we may change it), and heading out to Yosemite, where Jeremy is hell-bent on summiting Half Dome. Hopefully the hills of San Francisco will give me the warm-up I need for that huge 18 mile round-trip undertaking. I have been hearing lots of amazing things about Yosemite from colleagues and friends lately, so I am excited to see the valley... even if the hike kicks my butt.

At any rate, I am not sure how often we will have internet access, as it means giving up valuable sightseeing time. However, since we will be gone so long, I am sure that having a day to relax and check in with family and friends will be more than welcome every once in a while.

Thanks for reading our blog! I will have to end this post here, as I NEED to get to bed now, and it's not even 7pm. At least I am used to insanely early hours from working at the gym.

California or Bust! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're extremely excited... I'm happy for you both... what a birthday present as well.