Thursday, June 21, 2007

Testing, testing...

Hello, and welcome to the official "Sarah & Jeremy's West Coast Adventure" blog. This is our new medium for communication with our family, friends, and colleagues as we traverse the wilds of California, Oregon, and Washington on our month-long vacation!

This is my test post... as soon as I can figure out how subscription works, etc, I will pass that information along.

We leave one week from today... exciting!

More to follow. That is all for now!


Jeremy said...
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Anonymous said...

Via con dios, arivederci, sayonara, adios, have a great trip, Love, Dad.

Ryan and Amanda said...

Hey, I see we discovered the joys of blogging! I'm back from D.C. and I will be checking and posting often!

Have fun you guys!

Amanda and Ryan

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you both. Have an absolutely wonderful time! Love you.
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

mangolope said...


You can be my eyeballs for me and take TONS of pictures!!!

You have to tell me all about it when we see Bob play in September!! Don't forget! Heeheheeee

Nancy Dunn aka Mom said...

The vacation of a life time is finally here. Enjoy every second of it. This is what you both worked so hard for. Stay safe. Call if you have any problems. We love you. Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Best of luck you crazy kids. yup.
better see a ton o pics. :)

Nancy Dunn aka Mom said...

Great to hear from you. I am so happy everything is finally falling into place. You are so lucky to have friends there to show you around. Keep the details coming. This is a great way to share everything with you as it happens!
Love to you both,

Mama Dunn