Friday, July 6, 2007

My will.....

Well, we are now leaving for Yosemite and will be hiking Half Dome in the next few days. This is a hike that I have *always* wanted to do, but it is so big that I think that Sarah may kill me afterwards. So............ here is my will if Sarah kills me :)

  • Matty can have all of my hiking gear
  • Greeny can have my MSR snowshoes with Heel-Assists
  • Seneca can have my road bike
  • Kilomanjaro Dave can have my rock-climbing shoes
  • Amy can have my yoga mat
  • Justin can have my electronics
  • Harris can have any leftover beer in the fridge
And finally............
  • Luke can have the bowling ball and drafting table in the basement!


Nancy Dunn aka Mom said...

How about the two people that gave you life?

Unknown said...

So after reading the list, am I the only bad influence on your life?
Let's see - hiking gear, winter gear, biking gear, climbing gear, exercise gear, technology gear, and - leftover beer! Hey, it's cool, I'll just continue to perch on your left shoulder and encourage you to do bad things - like drink CAFFEINATED COFFEE!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing reading your blob!! Jim
and I did all those same things Years ago!! WE loved California!! You will love Yosemite!!!We camped there and hiked all over!! It was fabulous! Now you know why Ansel Adams spent his whole life taking photos of Yosemite!! We planned our trip there when the waterfall would be at its peak!! So we hiked up that trailand several others...had snowball fights in May!! Point Lobo, Big Sur , Muir Woods, Big Basin Park, even Ghiradelli chocolate !!! Yes San Francsco is so diverse and wonderfully different than Binghamton:>)!!! Restaurants were great !
ENjoy every moment of California life!!
Lots of Love Aunt Kathy

Unknown said...

Got a phone message from Sarah tonight. She survived Half Dome and Jeremy is still among the living :)

Luke said...

Oh yeah... that bowling ball rocks... I need to get that from you sometime. The drafting table... well, that's gonna go down with the house, it seems. heh. Miss you guys!