Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Muir Woods, Finishing San Fran, off to Big Sur...

*Whew* So much has happened since the last post! I don't really have time to write about ALL of it, but the long and the short of it is:

Jeremy and I had a great time in the Haight-Ashbury area on Sunday. We wandered around the panhandle of GG Park, saw Jerry Garcia's old house, and stopped into a random little bar on the corner that had some live Brazilian Jazz playing. Monday, we went to the Castro (the gayborhood basically) and the Mission districts. Both were quite colorful and interesting, and public displays of homosexual affection were far more commonplace than I have ever experienced! Sean took us to a taqueria for lunch in the Latin American section of the Mission, which had *amazing* burritos and "agua fresca," or water with fresh fruit and a little sugar mixed in. Delicious! Sean said that it was the best taqueria in San Francisco, and I believe it. Then we hung out for an afternoon in Delores park with some huge bottles of water and some Red Stripe, people-watching the hipsters and dogs running around the park.

Then Tuesday (yesterday), Jeremy and I had some really good chinese food with Sean, picked up our rental car (a Chrysler Sebring, not quite as small and fuel-efficient as we had hoped, they didn't even have the smaller ones in their fleet), and went across the Golden Gate Bridge. Beautiful! We stopped briefly at the pullover to take pictures, and had a mishap with wind, a car door, and a german woman's rental car in the parking lot (don't ask, but it's ok). Then we headed over to Muir woods, which was the most amazing thing we have seen so far. The pictures say it all, so we'll show those off as soon as we can. The trees were huge, the timing was perfect, it was nearing the end of the day and we almost had the park to ourselves. Then afterwards, we went to Muir Beach, watched an amazing sunset from some gorgeous rocky hills and cliffs, and almost got a ticket for being 5 minutes late coming out of the park! But all went well. Then Jeremy and I got some of the most awesome, DIRT CHEAP sushi we have ever had, and came back to crash.

Today we are about to head to Big Sur, south of San Francisco. I think Sean and Amanda will be joining us, and we're going to get breakfast, then drive down the coast and try to find a place to camp... which may not be easy on July 4th! But we're going to try. I can't wait.

We have to get packed up and go, so the rest will have to wait. We'll write more soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like you guys are having a blast! Hope you have time for all you want to see. Try driving on some of SFs bigger hills, like on Diversidero. Looking out the windshield and seeing only sky is wild, then you go down the hill! By the way, when you get to Seattle, your cousin John's phone number has been e-mailed to you. Give him a call, he'd love to meet up with you. Love, Dad and Terry.